Change SSH Port on CentOS. | |
Change SSH Port on CentOS. | |
Offline Topics: 1 Replies: 4 Joined: 04/06/2020 |
1. Login to your centos system with root or user have sudo. 2. cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.bak 3. vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config Change "Port 22" to "Port 42" save the file. 4. use "systemctl reload sshd" to load the new config. 5. open another terminal to ssh vps, if failed, restore sshd_config and reload service. Or you can use tools follow github:
06/06/2020 16:56:26 |
Offline Topics: 1 Replies: 4 Joined: 04/06/2020 |
I want double ram for free ~ thanks ~ |
06/06/2020 17:10:19 |