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How to use Cloudflare to use website domaininstead of ipv6 ip address

Zongming Shi
Topics: 2
Replies: 2
Joined: 04/06/2020

First use this code:


echo -e "nameserver 2001:67c:2b0::4\nnameserver 2001:67c:2b0::6" > /etc/resolv.conf


vi /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf


Note that the site's domain name AAAA Cloudflare's resolve to IPV6 address of the server, and open the CDN.


The solution has always been to access the control panel via the IP address or a subdomain setup to route around CloudFlare's proxy. That works great, but it still requires an explanation and therefore increases the CloudFlare learning curve. We're always looking for ways to make CloudFlare easier. A few weeks ago we began supporting other standard ports used by web control panels. In addition to 80 and 443, the list of supported ports now includes:

  • 2052
  • 2053
  • 2082
  • 2083
  • 2086
  • 2087
  • 2095
  • 2096
  • 8080
  • 8443
  • 8880

This covers most the web major control panels. While we will now proxy traffic through these ports, we won't cache static content or perform any performance or app transformations on requests/responses that flow through them. If you don't use these, we'll also soon provide a method to easily shut down these ports at the CloudFlare level.

04/06/2020 18:26:54

Kevin Young
Topics: 4
Replies: 30

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05/06/2020 03:18:52