How to restore all data from old drive to a new drive on a cpanel server

You basically ssh to server as root and look for your old/original drive via command

fdisk -l

Then say you find your data on /dev/sdb3 then you just type

mkdir /sdb3

mount /dev/sdb3 /sdb3



rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/usr/local/apache/conf /usr/local/apache

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/var/named /var

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/home/* /home

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/usr/local/cpanel /usr/local

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/var/lib/mysql /var/lib

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/var/cpanel /var

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/usr/share/ssl /usr/share

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/var/ssl /var

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/var/log/bandwidth /var/log

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/usr/local/frontpage /usr/local

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/var/spool/cron /var/spool

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/root/.my.cnf /root

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf

rsync -vrplogDtH /sdb3/etc/sysconfig/network /etc/sysconfig

Now copy files from /etc:

cd /sdb3/etc

rsync -vrplogDtH secondarymx domainalias valiases vfilters exim* proftpd* pure-ftpd* passwd* group* *domain* *named* wwwacct.conf cpupdate.conf quota.conf shadow* *rndc* ips* ipaddrpool* ssl hosts /etc

Then finally run following to fix any issues that might happen.







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