How to burn windows ISO to USB via Centos 6 64-bit

Before you proceed, you need yum install ntfs-3g and ntfsprogs. If failed, see or type

rpm -Uvh

Install ms-sys - if it is not in your repositories, get it here.

Check what device your USB media is assigned - here we will assume it is /dev/sdb. Delete all partitions, create a new one taking up all the space, set type to NTFS (7), and remember to set it bootable:

# cfdisk /dev/sdb   or   fdisk /dev/sdb (partition type 7, and bootable flag)

Create an NTFS filesystem:

# mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/sdb1

Write Windows 7 MBR on the USB stick (also works for windows 8), multiple options here:

  1. # ms-sys -7 /dev/sdb

Mount ISO and USB media:

# mkdir /mnt/iso
# mkdir /mnt/usb
# mount -o loop win7.iso /mnt/iso # mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb

Copy over all files:

# cp -r /mnt/iso/* /mnt/usb/

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